A lot of bikers choose to store away their vehicles over the winter months. Once the weather dips, the chill can drive some riders away while others hop onto their bikes, eager to feel the crisp air and serene atmosphere. Many bikers will choose to drive their iron horses in all kinds of weather and if you take the right precautions, winter doesn’t have to be an idle time for your bike!

Sky Powersports Lakeland is proud to be the preferred motorcycle dealer near Tampa and Orlando, FL and we want to help our patrons put the best riding practices to use! Read our winter riding tips below and if you’re looking for motorcycles for sale in Lakeland, FL, get in touch with us to browse our wide selection of models!

The Right Attire

You need to stay warm in winter not merely for comfort, but for your safety! It gets difficult to safely operate your bike, whether you are hitting small buttons or making snap judgment decisions, when you are cold.  Being too cold can hinder your focus and your dexterity, not to mention it’s incredibly uncomfortable. Don’t forget that the wind chill you’ll experience while riding will make it feel about 20 degrees colder than it actually is, so you may need to end up dressing as if you’re heading up the mountain.

Layering is one of the easiest ways to stay warm. Wearing layers actually keeps you warmer than one large coat. Plus, it allows you the flexibility to remove layers as the day warms up. Your base layer should be a good set of thin thermal underwear. Synthetic materials will provide the best insulation when wet. A second layer of warmer material like wool or fleece will help trap some extra heat. Your regular riding jacket and pants might be okay but you may also want to consider investing in a set of breathable riding gear if your normal setup is mostly leather. 

Part of staying warm also means staying dry. Once you get even a little wet, it can feel bitterly cold when the wind picks up. If it’s going to rain or snow, make sure your outer layer of clothing is waterproof. Also, be sure to wear waterproof gloves since wet gloves make it difficult to manipulate those small buttons. 

The Right Gear

There are also some accessories you can get to help you stay warm and toasty. You’ll want a full-face helmet with anti-fogging characteristics. Wear a neck guard (you’ll be surprised at how warm it keeps you). Use water-resistant gloves that extend up your arm enough to seal with your jacket to protect against water intrusion. Finally, wear waterproof boots that’ll keep your toes warm.

Heated clothing might be more expensive than other options but it's a good investment if you plan to ride your motorcycle through the winter months! These are powered by batteries or your bike to keep you very warm and range from jackets to leg liners. You’ll stay cozy all ride long.

Check Your Tires

Tire pressure can get affected with changes in temperature. One general rule is for every 10-degree drop in temperature, you can expect to lose one to two pounds of air pressure. Always check your tires’ air pressure before you head out on a cold day and adjust them as needed.

You can warm up your cold tires by accelerating and decelerating abruptly to cause friction. But only do this in a safe and contained area where there are no obstacles. An empty street or large parking lot can work well. 

You should always be riding with high-quality tires, especially in the winter. Some riders choose to invest in tires designed to handle colder temperatures. These are a great option if you plan to ride often in the cold.

Beware of the Road Conditions

Once the cold weather sets in, you will often encounter compromised road conditions. When there’s snow or ice on the road, you will lose traction. As a result, you need more time to accelerate, turn, brake, and lane change. Snow and ice can be dangerous even for car drivers, but motorcyclists should be even more cautious. 

Be more alert when you’re in high-risk areas, like tunnels, shaded areas, bridges, and valleys. If you think you’re about to pass over ice and there’s no way to avoid it, simply maintain your speed and your direction. Odds are your momentum will carry you through as long as you don’t try to make any sudden changes. If you must turn or change speed, don’t do so quickly or sharply, as this could cause you to slide. 

There may also be snow-clearing hazards, like salt or gravel, sprinkled across the road’s surface. These reduce your traction, so you can treat them like you would riding over ice. Always scan for black ice.

As you ride, be aware of other motorists. Leave more room between you and those on the road. You may be driving defensively, but they might not be. Be on high alert for anyone driving in an overconfident or aggressive fashion and stay far from them. 

We hope this information helps you enjoy safe winter rides! If you need more information or are looking for motorcycles for sale in Tampa or Orlando, FL, contact the sales staff here at Sky Powersports Lakeland and one of our expert staff will gladly assist you! We’re proud to be the leading motorcycle dealer in Lakeland, FL!