If you intend not to use your powersports vehicle during the cold season, winterize it properly. Simply keeping your ATV or UTV in storage won’t do—you want to take a few extra steps to keep your model ready for use next season. Don’t worry if you are unsure where to begin because your friends at Sky Powersports Lakeland are here to guide you.

Check Your Fuel Tank/Carburetor

One of the critical aspects of winterizing a powersports vehicle is tending to its fuel tank and carburetor. Make sure you empty the fuel tank by letting the engine run until there’s no gas left. This will prevent your fuel from becoming stale during storage.

Detach the Battery

Next, you want to detach your battery and put it on a trickle charger when storing your powersports vehicle. This will prevent it from dying and help prolong its lifespan.

Replace Air Filter

You must service the air filter when winterizing your powersports vehicle. When doing so, replace the old filter and block the inlet ports to the air box. This will help prevent critters from entering. You can remove these blocks when you bring your ATV or UTV out of storage.

Tend to Your Tires

Allowing your powersports vehicle to sit on its tires for a long time can affect them. To prevent this, try to elevate your machine and relieve some of the stress off your tires.

Clean & Cover

Finally, you want to clean your powersports vehicle and use a breathable cover to protect it in storage. This will keep your model ready for use when you bring it out after the cold season.

We hope you find this guide handy when storing your ATV or UTV. If you need more advice or assistance in winterizing your powersports vehicle, contact Sky Powersports Lakeland. We happily serve Lakeland, Tampa, and Orlando, FL, so reach out today.